WI GOP Senator: John Kerry 'Upset God' by Supporting Uganda LGBT

In Depth

State Senator Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said the United States’ standing had fallen in Africa and US Secretary of State John Kerry “upset God” by supporting Uganda’s LGBT community against a recently passed anti-gay law.

Grotham’s remarks came during an interview last week with In Focus, a talk show produced by Voice of Christian Youth America.

What we have is the Secretary of State going to Africa and educating Ugandans or saying he is going to send American scientists to Uganda to explain how normal homosexuality is…Think about that. I mean, what must God think of our country?

Probably “Good for you, John. I’m not a fan of people murdering each other, it was sort on that list I wrote for y’all on the big stones,” if I had to guess, but what do I know?

Grothman isn’t exactly new to being offensive to entire groups of people. He once called the African-American holiday Kwanzaa “fake” and opposed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a federal holiday. He’s got quite the history of happy fun comments, and now he wants the fine people of Wisconsin to send him to Washington.

I mean, what must God think of our country? If now, rather than sending people to Uganda to explain better agricultural techniques…we send scientists to Africa to say how wonderful the homosexual lifestyle is. It is just unbelievable what has become of our country.

Senator Grothman, may I suggest:

Image via AP.

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