Wingnut Tea Party Patriots Produce Hunger Games-Inspired Promo
Have you seen this clip? It’s a recruitment video — produced by the batshit cuckoo Tea Party Patriots — that debuted over the weekend during CPAC. And someone’s been watching Hunger Games!
Erin Strecker breaks it down for EW:
“Fifteen years ago, freedom died,” a Woman Who Is Not Jennifer Lawrence informs us. With the new Development Party in power, there is just one Orwellian message on the airways: “When WE provide for every need, then you are fully Developed.” Do you understand? Government assistance is bad. So one day, Man Who Is Not As Sexy as Liam Hemsworth refuses to pay his “contribution” and a rebellion straight out of Mockingjay begins.
The thing is literally called “a movement on fire,” but something tells us Suzanne Collins would not approve. Also, notice how the brown-skinned chick is all, “look at what they give us!” Welfare, y’all.
With whiffs of The Matrix, 1984, Gattaca, Children of Men and Lost, the thing is anti-communist, anti-socialist, anti-tax, anti-POC and 1000% hilarious.
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