Women Directors Nominated for More Emmys Than Ever Before


Despite the fact that women only directed fifteen-percent of the shows on TV last season — and were also cursed with debilitating cases of non-dickus-havus — they still received half of the Emmy nods for directing. Way to overcome, ladies.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

Of this season’s 10 Emmy nods for directing episodic television, fully half recognize women — three for comedy and two for drama. (Two women are also recognized in the movies and miniseries category, bringing the total to seven). That’s the most in the history of the awards, and it’s notable because the industry has been notoriously slow to admit women to the ranks of episodic television directors.

Yay! Now that it’s finally been determined that women are capable of directing even when on their periods, maybe we can work on raising the number of jobs they get? Because according to data from the Directors Guild of America, ladies directed just fifteen-percent of more than 3,100 episodes of television in the 2011-12 season. Imagine the amount of awards they could rake in with an even playing field?

[L.A. Times]

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