Wonderful Rumor of the Day: Ryan Gosling Could Be Batman
LatestThere’s a completely wonderful (and highly unlikely) rumor stuck in the interwebs today, and that is that Canadian tourism spokesperson and possible maple syrup fetishist Ryan Gosling is on a short list of actors to play old Batman in the recently-announced Batman Vs. Superman movie from Warner Bros.
Wait a minute! Ryan Gosling isn’t old — he’s 32, and possibly taking a hiatus from acting to distill the pure energy of love in a fragrance called “[the sound a gosling makes when Ryan Gosling pats its head]”. Is that not happening anymore? Or can Warner Bros. and its wild rumormongering tempt Gosling to put his real-life crime-averting skills to good use by putting on the cape and cowl and beating the shit out of some reckless alien journalist who’s allergic to space pebbles?
The Hollywood Reporter would like to point out that this is all merely the most indulgent sort of gossip at the moment. The Batman Vs. Superman script is still being scribbled, and the studio insiders who didn’t outright laugh at questions about Batman casting say that Gosling is still one of six actors possibly being considered for the part. Those others include striated deli meat selection Joe Manganiello, the perpetually unexciting Josh Brolin, and Matthew Goode, whose credentials include playing a superhero in a previous Zack Synder movie.
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