Rick Santorum Sometimes Kills Things He Loves, Says Rick Santorum


Frothy lunatic politician Rick Santorum has been serving as a sort of reluctant surrogate for his formal rival Mittens Romney since he finally conceded the Republican Presidential nomination earlier this year. But that doesn’t mean he’s gotten any less terrible, or delightfully insane. The latest gem from the mouth of Rick? Commentary on Big Bird, and how just because you love something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t kill it.

Said the former Pennsylvania Senator during a press conference last night,

I’ve voted to kill Big Bird in the past. I have a record there that I have to disclose. That doesn’t mean I don’t like Big Bird. You can kill things and still like them, maybe to eat them, I don’t know. That’s probably that. Can we – can we go back on that one?

See? Just because you’re “pro life” doesn’t mean you also can’t be pro-killing stuff. Especially stuff you love.

Note to American animal shelters: do not let Rick Santorum adopt a pet.

Note number 2: Sesame Street does not use any taxpayer funds.

Congratulations, Rick Santorum. You have told the world’s creepiest political lie.

[Washington Post]

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