Annoying 8th Grader Suspended and Arrested For Wearing Gun T-Shirt


8th grade West Virginian Jared Marcum got in big trouble — suspension, arrest, and two charges of obstruction and disturbing the education process — for wearing a shirt defending his Second Amendment rights. Now, he’s arguing that the school’s reaction violates his First Amendment rights. Related: Jared Marcum seems like a huge pain in the ass.

According to WOWK TV, the Logan County School District’s dress code policy prohibits clothing that displays profanity, violence, discriminatory messages and more — there’s nothing about guns in there. But doesn’t an image of a gun clearly imply violence? It certainly doesn’t scream “I’m here to learn!”

Jared’s father, Allen Lardieri, says he’s pissed that he had to go pick his son up from jail because of his attire.

“I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again,” Lardieri said.


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