Anthony Weiner Allegedly Kept on Sextin’, Called Self ‘Carlos Danger’


Former Congressman and current mayoral candidate/New York Post headline penis pun darling Anthony Weiner has done a lot of apologizing for the unfortunate sexting habit that all but derailed his political career two summers ago … so you’d think a guy with sky-high political aspirations would have learned his lesson. But if a new set of SEXT-tacular allegations are to be believed, Weiner’s old habits have died hard. I apologize for that unintentional dick joke.

A woman who claims she and Weiner engaged in one of his signature cockshot-based internet relationships has come forward to spottily reliable website The Dirty with screenshots of conversations she says occurred last summer — many moons after Weiner apologized for his behavior and not long after Weiner wife Huma Abedin gave birth to the couple’s first child. According to the source, she thought she and the ex-Congressman were “in love” and the two have phone sex multiple times per day like a couple of smitten teens who couldn’t keep their hands off their own junk. The source also told The Dirty that the pair planned to meet IRL for some meatspace fornicating.

The least depressing aspect of this story is the fact that the man TheDirty is claiming is Anthony Weiner went by “Carlos Danger” on Formspring. (Please, for the love of all that is holy, someone please name a kitten “Carlos Danger.”)

The Dirty posted screenshots of Weiner asking the woman — who was 22 at the time of the alleged e-encounters — to delete their Facebook conversations (one contains a diiiiiiick piiiiiic). The site also posted screenshots of lewd conversations involving Weiner from the woman’s Formspring account. The Atlantic Wire theorizes that the woman works in media, since Weiner offered to get her on a Politico panel, and that her Formspring name ends in O.

The source claims that Anthony Weiner “lured her” into communication by poking her on Facebook and then claiming his cat did it.

Both Buzzfeed and The Atlantic Wire say they’ve reached out to the Weiner campaign but haven’t heard back. Two big questions here: first, The big question here: who the fuck who works in media has a Formspring account? Second, if these allegations turn out to be true, then what the fuck is Anthony Weiner’s damage?

UPDATE: From NYMag, Weiner’s statement. TL;DR version: Weiner says those messages happened, like, a long, long time ago:

I said that other texts and photos were likely to come out, and today they have. As I have said in the past, these things that I did were wrong and hurtful to my wife and caused us to go through challenges in our marriage that extended past my resignation from Congress. While some things that have been posted today are true and some are not, there is no question that what I did was wrong. This behavior is behind me. I’ve apologized to Huma and am grateful that she has worked through these issues with me and for her forgiveness. I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption that this has caused. As my wife and I have said, we are focused on moving forward.

[The Dirty]
[h/t Atlantic Wire]

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