Army Wives Star Pulled Off The Stage At Military Event
Army Wives star Kim Delaney delivered a bizarre and halting speech at the Liberty Medal Award ceremony at Philadelphia’s National Constitution Center last night. Was the event suffering from technical difficulties, or was she wasted?
Delaney hesitated, made strange faces, and uttered non sequiturs like, “As I try to comfort wives, husbands, families, fathers, children, loved ones, made good, what I’ve learned is the Constitution Center,” before she was ushered off the stage mid-speech. ABC notes that, “Delaney, 49, has had issues with substance abuse — in 2002, she was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving after she refused to take a breathalyzer test. She’s sought rehab for alcohol addiction twice.” So was Delaney drunk? Maybe, but KYW Newsradio (via CBS Philly) has another interpretation: “According to those in attendance, it appeared her teleprompter was not working.” Also, a podcast of the event reveals backstage confusion, possibly caused by an announcer skipping portions of his script. However, some sources also say producers of the ceremony were unsure prior to the event whether Delaney could handle her speech. Whatever the cause, the results look pretty embarrassing.
Kim Delaney Booted Off Stage At Military Ceremony [ABC]
Actress Kim Delaney Stumbles Through Speech At Liberty Medal Ceremony [CBS Philly]