Bill Clinton Thinks a Woman Should Be President. Hint Hint.


Former President Bill Clinton, currently Clintoning around in China, told a rapt crowd of conventioneers that he hopes the next President is a woman. Gee, I wonder if Bill Clinton knows any women who might want to be President? Let me think. It’s on the tip of my tongue.

According to Raw Story, Clinton was in China to talk about what Bill Clinton normally talks about during paid speaking engagements, which is how Bill Clinton got to be so awesome. But the crowd, which was “standing room only” (like anyone who is not Dick Cheney in his Mr. Potter wheelchair would sit if they were in the same room as Bill Clinton come on) was clamoring for information on his wife, who has been flirting with a Presidential run since prior to my menarche. Mr. Clinton was diplomatic in response to their questions.

He called his wife “the ablest public servant I have ever worked with” and said that he would support her whatever decision she makes on a White House run.
“If that’s what she wants to do, I will support her,” Clinton said. “But if she decides for whatever reason she doesn’t, I will support that.”
“It’s very interesting for us; we still feel young and we still feel healthy,” he added, noting that compared with several decades ago, he believes his wife now is “less motivated… by a fear of failure”.

So here’s the new information about Hillary’s maybe-possible-theoretical run for President we can learn from that quote.


Oops. There’s actually no new information, and their probably won’t be for some time since speculating on elections that won’t even begin to take shape for another 2+ years is kind of an exercise in grating pundit futility. But it’s fun to write fanfic about it. Plus, all the Pog listicles in the world can’t make me feel as much nostalgia about being a 90’s kid like a rousing Bill Clinton speech.


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