Binge Drinking Is Turning Young Girls Into Violent, Crazed Hussies


WARNING: Experts fear that binge drinking will turn your teenage daughter into a “violent and promiscuous” monster.

A study of 15- and 16-year-olds has found that girls are more likely to have tasted alcohol than boys, putting them at risk of having unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancies and contracting sexually-transmitted diseases.
One in five female teens who consume alcohol at least once a week say they have got themselves so drunk they have had sex they regret, while almost 40 per cent have been in a fight.

This “study” from the always eye-opening Daily Mail ends with a quote from a guy named Don Shenker, who represents something called “Alcohol Concern,” which states:

“There is clearly a link between young girls’ binge drinking and unplanned sex as well as alcohol-related violence. It’s about time ministers took a tougher stance on the causes of teen girls binge drinking.”

While binge drinking can be a problem for teens —and perhaps people should be taking a “tougher stance” on addressing the causes of teen binge drinking— I’m not sure the “girls” part is absolutely essential here.

Still, you should probably hide your daughters. Just in case.

Fifth of girl binge drinkers have sex they regret as experts warn of generation of promiscuous teenagers [DailyMail]

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