Can Michele Bachmann Parodies Reach Palin-esque Heights?


“You hear that my lefty friends?” said an emcee at a recent Sarah Palin event. “Conservative women — they’re smarter than you and they’re hotter than you.” Sure. They’re also so fun to imitate! Just ask Sara Benincasa.

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Micah Marshall submits that comedian Benincasa’s Sarah Palin imitation is “probably superior” to Tina Fey’s. You can judge for yourself here, although we are not trying to start another Tina Fey battle. (Ha!)

Intriguingly, Marshall reports that Benincasa is considering doing a Michele Bachmann parody video as the next frontier. He lays out the difficulties:

For my money, Bachmann’s sort of the Velvet Underground to Palin’s mass-appeal, poppy success. The real creative force, the true, if under-appreciated, innovator — clearly preferred by specialists and aficionados of The Crazy ™. But certainly less well-known by the masses at large.

Challenging. The fact that Bachmann and Palin are BFF hasn’t just caught the attention of salivating Tea Partiers. It also attracted the notice of Bill Maher and Chris Matthews yesterday. Watch Chris Matthews show what he learned from the uproars of the election season! He reminds Maher that there are plenty of positive female role models in government. Just not Palin or Bachmann.

Is She Ready? [TPM]
Sarah Palin Vlog [YouTube/Sara Benincasa]
Sarah Palin Called Smart, Hot [ABCNews]

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