Casey Anthony's Supporters Are Already Padding Her Bank Account


Casey Anthony is such a reviled figure that some say she’s been offered plastic surgery in order to hide from her haters. But she also has some support — strangers have donated over $200 to her prison account since she was acquitted.

According to ABC, the donations have bumped Anthony’s account up to an impressive $472.18, well above the prison average of $36.30. Donors’ reasons for shelling out range from “I think she’s innocent” to “what I am supporting is the jury’s decision to acquit based on lack of evidence failing to overcome the reasonable doubt standard” to “can’t go to the store and get you a bag of chips and everybody else can and that’s really demoralizing and she hadn’t even had her day in court, you know.” One donor’s mother was none too happy that her son was supporting Anthony, screaming at reporters, “He did what?”

It may be a symptom of Anthony-hysteria that journalists are now calling the moms of people who sent her money. Without such hysteria, she might not be getting the money at all. One donor said his gift was a response to the “witch hunt” surrounding the case. Another said she was angry at Nancy Grace’s critical treatment of Anthony. She added, “What this case turned into was a pure nation of hysteria and that bothered me.” The media circus surrounding Anthony’s trial has often been bad for her — if she weren’t so infamous, she wouldn’t have to consider radically changing her appearance upon her release. But it’s interesting to note that notoriety appears to have benefited her too. And probably will continue to do so.

Casey Anthony Admirers Sending Cash To Jailhouse Bank Account [ABC]

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