Cloris Leachman Tweets Pictures Of Her Package
Today on The View, Joy brought up Cloris Leachman’s Twitter account, which has over 23,000 followers. “What do you tweet?” Joy asked. Cloris replied, “I’m following Anthony Weiner’s lead… I tweet pictures of my package. The trouble is, my package looks like something the airlines lost.”
Cloris also talked about how she used to be a beauty queen: “I was all tits and ass in those days. Now I’m all ass and elbows.” By the by: If Cloris Leachman wins an Emmy award for Raising Hope, she will have her 10th — more than any other actor or actress.
Just in case you’re not convinced how awesome Cloris is: She also played piano while her son played the saxamaphone.
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