Comment of the Day: A Heartwarming Holiday Tale (Really!)


Heathenly6 shares a heartwarming tale of a good samaritan who warmed her belly/heart one holiday season:

My kid and I were waiting for a table at a local restaurant, and there was a guy there also waiting. The hostess thought we were all together, and I wittily replied, “Well, if he’s paying…!” We all laughed, because I’m so funny. My son and I ate, and he ate alone at the counter. I wondered why my waitress was dragging her feet bringing me the check— turns out she was waiting for that guy to leave, because he’d paid our bill and didn’t want me to object.
That was 12 years ago, right before xmas. I’ll never forget it. The guy couldn’t have known, but I had just ended a seven year relationship, was depressed, and was down to my last $20. I was taking my kid out to breakfast to try to maintain the facade that everything was cool and Christmasy.
Anyway, you never know whose day you’ll brighten with some small gesture.

Please excuse me, I have to go find all the Kleenex in my house and cry about the beauty of humanity!

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