Comment Of The Day: Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Feel-Good Holiday Romp


Studio executives are worried about The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo because apparently, chicks don’t dig sexually violent marketing. Citizensnizzips has a solution:

I think if maybe they combined Dragon Tattoo with something like New Year’s Eve . Ensemble cast centered around the court hearing for a bad guy who does violent things to women. Said perpetrator is played by Jared Leto (I mean, we can’t make him TOO scuzzy. These movies demand cute people)
Everyone’s gearing up for the big day – you’ll have your jaded and cynical DA whose icy heart will be melted by the cute, bubbly and annoying ADA. You’ll have your old curmudgeony judge realize what it means to fall in love again and give out death sentences, and you’ll have the main bad guy who finds out that you shouldn’t rape and murder women, but love them (but then is gassed to death, natch).
And then of course you’ll have all the paparazzi swarming the scene, who are all female and will dish gossip over cosmos. And one of them will sleep with Leto – because I mean, he’s so CUTE. ANd sure, he’s all rapey, but c’mon, I just think he’s so cute.
Box office GOLD.

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