Comment Of The Day: Unfortunately Named Group Opposes Women Making Slutty Choices


The folks at the organization SUCK-COCK are having a hard time swallowing the news that the FDA may make emergency contraception more widely available. Ari Schwartz: Dark Lord of the Snark writes:

Consortium of Caring Kinswomen (COCK) Opposition Availability of Slut-Assisting Medication
WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 6, 2011 /ANONYMOUS NEWSWIRE/ — The Consortium of Caring Kinswomen (COCK), a member organization of the Society of Understanding of Caring Kinsmen (SUCK) is officially announcing its opposition to the widespread availability of slut-assistance Plan B pills. Head of the COCK, Michael Stevens, says, “these sorts of medications raise the distinct possibility that bad things that might already be happening might continue to happen. Without tools to help mitigate the aftermath and/or risk of the event, women may believe it to be okay to be victims. We want to send a message to America that that is never okay. Women should NEVER be victims. By allowing themselves to be taken advantage of, they damage the tradition of marriage as we define it, as well as destroy their sanctity.”
The head of SUCK, Michael Stevens, has also stated that, “we are empowering women to be free of the guilt of their own bad choices. By fighting the availability of slut-enabling medications, we ensure that women will never have to worry about feeling guilty for possibly making their own choices, let alone possibly harming an embryo.”
The joint organization of SUCK-COCK is a non-profit family values organization based in Washington, DC. It aims to ensure that families are valued above all else, and seeks to reverse the trend of women making really slutty choices.

Later in regard to news that a British women’s heath organization is giving away free emergency contraception over the holidays, Ari Schwartz: Dark Lord of the Snark added:

Consortium of Caring Kinswomen (COCK) Bringing its Opposition of Availability of Slut-Assisting Medication to the United Kingdom
London, Dec. 6, 2011 /ANONYMOUS NEWSWIRE/ — The Consortium of Caring Kinswomen (COCK), a member organization of the Society of Understanding of Caring Kinsmen (SUCK) is officially announcing its bringing of its opposition to the widespread availability of slut-assistance Plan B pills. Head of the COCK, Michael Stevens, says, “The British are almost American, and therefore should be subject to American ideals and ways of thinking. At the very least, they are not French or something fruity like that. We therefore believe it is important that British women not have access to slutifying medicines. It is the responsibility of COCKs to bring the universal truths of American aversion to choice to the UK, and we seek to do that.”
The head of SUCK, Michael Stevens, has also stated that, “At the very least, this is a good opportunity to keep the British from going down the route of hedonistic tartery as we see in non-English speaking Europe. Us SUCKers are firmly attached to the COCKs’ goals.”
The joint organization of SUCK-COCK is a non-profit family values organization based in Washington, DC. It aims to ensure that families are valued above all else, and seeks to reverse the trend of women making really slutty choices.
Please see the following link to this previous release for information on SUCK-COCK’s American campaigns: []

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