Conservatives Run Attack Ad Against Ashley Judd Even Though She Isn't Actually Running Yet


Ashley Judd, staunch feminist and delightful human being, is still just barely “mulling” a 2014 senate run against Kentucky Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Cliff’s Notes: It is currently February of 2013)—but that didn’t stop conservative Super PAC American Crossroads from firing up a big dorky smear campaign against her.

Hahahahaaha, oh, conservatives. You babies are the babiest.

The ad paints Judd as a moony teenage idiot scrawling “Whatever Obama Wants!” on her Trapper-Keeper, and as a hillbilly-hating secret-Muslin Marxist who stood next to Nancy Pelosi once. The horror!!! Oh, also she really really likes Tennessee, Kentucky’s SWORN BLOOD-ENEMY. This shall not stand.

In a mock ad purporting to tout her candidacy, Crossroads lampoons Ms. Judd as an Obama-loving uber-liberal who thinks Kentuckians are hillbillies and who actually claims to hail from Tennessee. The video uses clips of Ms. Judd saying things that might complicate a run in the generally conservative state of Kentucky.
The ad will run online in targeted ZIP codes in the state, for a total cost of $10,000, said Crossroads spokesman Jonathan Collegio.
So does this show real concern that Mr. McConnell might be vulnerable as he eyes re-election? Mr. Collegio insists not.

Right. Clearly. Clearly you are not threatened at all by this lady who isn’t even running for office. You’re totally secure. Got it. Judd responded to the ad with typical grace and bite:

In a statement released through her publicist, Ms. Judd thanked American Crossroads for putting a spotlight on her political thinking. “Ashley thanks Senator McConnell, Karl Rove, and their negative allies for all the attention as she considers her future political plans, although a decision hasn’t been made yet,” the statement said.

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