Disguised Casey Anthony Pleads The Fifth, Remains In Hiding
LatestYesterday Casey Anthony was deposed in the defamation suit filed against her by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez, the woman she accused of kidnapping her daughter Caylee, yet she managed to remain holed up in a secret location. Anthony answered questions from Gonzalez’s lawyer via a video link, but apparently she didn’t think that was enough to keep her safe from the angry Nancy Grace fans. She was also wearing a Philadelphia Philllies baseball cap, “gigantic sunglasses,” and what appeared to be a long, dark-haired wig.
The questioning lasted about 45 minutes, and aside from basic questions like whether or not she present at her trial, Anthony pleaded the fifth to nearly everything attorney John Morgan asked. “We didn’t want to turn this into a 2-hour circus,” said Morgan. “We asked enough questions and got her to invoke the Fifth enough times that we feel we got enough to take a motion to the judge to compel her to answer these questions.” Morgan supported holding the video deposition, and added, “whether she ever has to come face to face with me or Zenaida Gonzalez, I would doubt it.”