Donald Trump Campaign Advisor Fired For Being Racist Garbage
LatestSam Nunberg, one of melting pig carcass Donald Trump’s campaign advisors, was fired on Sunday after several racist Facebook posts published under his name surfaced. Is anyone even pretending to be surprised? Practice a fake gasp. Did it sound convincing? Mine didn’t either :(.
“Effective immediately, low level part-time consultant Sam Nunberg is no longer associated with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign,” said Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, in a statement.
The posts, initially discovered by Business Insider, were the nearly illegible ramblings of a radical right wing conspiracy theorist. One post referred to Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter using the n-word; others spoke more broadly about the State of Politics.
“Wants everyone to know that there are still tickets available for the Hip Hop Inaugral [sic] Ball – G-D help us!” reads a post from January 2009.
Another post from that February says: “thinks that Obama is a Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser – congrats to the losers that voted for him.”
In June, he celebrated: “Rush has called it – Obama is not getting universal Kenyan health care, take it to the bank!”
When confronted about the posts, Nunberg said he was “shocked” and couldn’t recall ever having posted something similar. Haha.
The New York Times reports:
In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Nunberg, a lawyer, denied writing them, Mr. Lewandowski did not respond to subsequent questions about the firing.
Mr. Nunberg has worked for Mr. Trump in various roles over the years. He was fired in 2014 after Buzzfeed published a mocking profile of Mr. Trump. But he was rehired, and has since been in Mr. Trump’s small inner circle.
“Anything that was posted under my name does not mean I posted it,” said Nunberg on CNN on Friday. “I am not adept at social media. I have a long record of working with diverse people… I would also point out that all of these things were done before Mr. Trump’s campaign, if I even did them — which I deny.”
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