Douchebag Surgeon Is Looking for Love, Has Insanely Specific Criteria


Not too long ago, a local chamber of commerce in New Jersey held a networking event. The mixer was purely business-focused, all meeting and greeting and wheeling and dealing. Business cards were swapped, email addresses were exchanged. But one guy was looking to make a different kind of deal.

The next day, one event attendee, a surgeon, sent a mass email to many of the new people — maybe about 30 or so, all openly CCd — he’d met the night before. As it turns out, this guy wasn’t networking with people to gin up business, even though that was the entire point of the event. This man is on a mission: he’s looking for a matchmaker, and if the dates go well, he’s willing to pay in cash or free Botox.

What follows is better suited for Patti Stanger than a chamber of commerce networking event, but don’t let that stop you, Doc.

dear fellow networking event attendees,
i was very late to last night’s event, so i only got to meet a small fraction of you guys (i tried to hurry, but you really can’t hurry-up surgery!)
sorry about this mass email, but it’s more efficient on my end. i’m also kind of a “semi-professional networker” with 10,000 people in my gmail contacts list, 1,000 friends on my various FB accts (even though i don’t use FB myself), 1,000 followers on Twitter, and google will “auto populate” my name, so perhaps some of you “beginning” networkers will learn some tips of how i’m always trying to create a “win-win” (this skill set was stressed a lot when i got my MBA from NYU)
my situation is somewhat unusual in that i am the #1 surgeon of my type in the northeastern US by volume, and have performed nearly 20,000 procedures over the last 15 years, so i really don’t need additional income (which is the unusual part). i’m actually so successful that most of the reason i attend networking events these days is for personal networking, not business networking–i’m trying to meet the right woman to fall in love with, marry, and start a family with (i’m single, never married, and really want kids before i’m old!)
i’ve hired some professional matchmakers over the years, with OK results (eg i’ve dated 2 of the matches for 6 months each, which is pretty good). the services vary enormously in quality and price (with an imperfect correlation). for example, doing the math (ie taking their fee and dividing by the number of introductions they made), i’ve paid between $100 and $1,000 per introduction (which is worth it to me, even on the high end, since i have an unusual time/$ preference, ie have more $ than time)
clearly, i’m still trying to meet the right woman the “normal way” like out at events, or through dating websites (which is, shall i say, “normal-ish”). however, i do strongly feel that having as many sources as possible only increases the potential candidate pool, and increases my chances of meeting the right person (hence my offer to you)
so if you (or any of your friends) like playing matchmaker, please read my preferences/parameters below and try to help me out.
please send me the parameters and picture of the potential setup, so i can say if i’m interested, before you start introducing us (otherwise it’s kind of awkward then saying that i’m not interested). if interested, i’m offering the following “thank-you gifts” for your kind help:
first date set up: $100 cash
second date (with either same person, indicating a better match, or a 2nd person): +$200 or free latisse worth $300
third date (again can be w same person): + $300 or free botox worth $500
4th date (w same or diff person): + $400 or free Juvederm injections worth $900
5th date (same conditions): + 500 cash or 1 eye free LASEK worth $2000:)
this is what i am in general looking for.
These are my Hard (Objective) Dating Parameters which are NOT Flexible:
(this means I am only willing to pay for introductions if ALL these criteria are met)
(if you want to set me up w someone missing 1 of these criteria, I may accept, but will not pay for that)
Age 27-35 (ideally 28-34)
No kids, wants kids in the next 1-2 years
College graduate, doesn’t have to be a great school, but needs to have finished the degree
Skinny (i.e. dress size 0-2, if you don’t know what that means (many men don’t) it means very skinny)
Caucasian (not black, not Hispanic, not Asian)
Healthy lifestyle (defined as no smoking, no drugs, good diet, no hard drinking,
These are things that I would ideally prefer, but don’t require (i.e. I am flexible about these criteria)
Christian (any denomination is fine, I’m Catholic but not very religious, prefer any religion over none, must be religiously tolerant, will not be compatible with someone who thinks everyone else is damned)
Graduate degree or very good undergraduate school (more compatible since I went to 3 Ivy League schools i.e. Dartmouth, Columbia & Harvard, as well as Emory and my MBA from NYU)
Spent significant time in another country other than the US (either born somewhere else or lived out of the US for a total of a 6 months or more, not on a vacation, doing something like school or work)
Spent significant time (>1 yr) living in a city of 1 million or more (so can live in NYC if moves here)
Likes animals and pets, particularly dogs (because I plan to have a dog for the rest of my life)
These are the Soft (Objective) Criteria I require, but are difficult to match (because they’re qualitative)
Attractive (like an 8 out of the 1-10 scale, 9-10 is actually bad as it comes with a lot of downside)
Nice, normal, sweet, kind, altruistic, selfless, not entitled, bitchy, materialistic, selfish, self-centered
Stylish, fashionable, polished, confident but not vain, superficial, overly concerned about looks
Hard-working, real career, full-time job (unless in graduate school), achievement-oriented
Highly functional Type B (not a Type A because too similar, not a Type B who can’t get stuff done)
Easy-going, sense of humor, doesn’t take life or things too seriously, gets along well with everyone
Good person, follows the Golden Rule, nice and kind to others, never does bad things because of values
Good family, good role models, ideally good nuclear family so can emulate good patterns of behavior

Memarketing and the Worst “It Was Nice Meeting You” Email You Will Ever Read [Marc Ensign]

Image via Inna Astakhova/Shutterstock.

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