One of my favorite things about Elizabeth Warren is that she is a former professor. And as any former professor, including myself, can tell you, learning to ignore interrupting, entitled students who attempt to derail the class discussion to mask the fact that they haven’t done the reading is a valuable classroom management tool. This skill is also valuable when one is a guest on the View being forced to attempt adult conversation while Meghan McCain is present.
Case in point, Warren appeared on today’s episode of the View to explain her tax plan, and while she was there, she was able to do what many before her sadly could not: pretend Meghan McCain wasn’t speaking. As Warren explained what benefits the nation might reap by further taxing incomes above 50 million, McCain repeatedly tried to derail her with statements like “Can we just switch gears here” and “But I think what…” Warren stuck to the syllabus and McCain eventually went back to huffily doodling in her notebook. She will however probably complain to the dean and write some baselessly mean shit on her course evaluation.
It is very embarrassing to realize one has mistakenly sent a text to the wrong person, so naturally, the United States military is absolutely mortified that they accidentally sent a letter to Iraqi leaders informing them that the U.S. military would be withdrawing from their country.
“It was an honest mistake,” chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley told reporters at the Pentagon. “That letter is a draft, it was a mistake, it was unsigned, it should not have been released.”
Milley says the draft was to be used in the event that the military did decide to pull out, which it has not. On Sunday, the Iraqi Parliament voted to kick America out, though no final decision has been made. Perhaps the military should send a followup “Lol wrong person” to smooth things over. [New York Times]
Now that we’re all slightly nauseated…
- Add the Iraq war to gay marriage and equal pay on the ever-growing list of things Joe Biden has lied about always being on the right side of. [CNN]
- Elizabeth Warren is potentially trolling Joe Biden with her new plan to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy filings. How long before Biden says he has supported this plan since his father explained student loans to him as a boy after he saw two students begging for debt relief on the street? [Intelligencer]
- American health care is the most expensive in the world, experts say, surprising exactly none of Americans currently ignoring some malady they cannot afford, which is to say most of us. [Washington Post]
- Kansas doesn’t have Mike Pompeo to kick around anymore. [New York Times]
- TSA and FAA workers might not get paid paternal leave after all. [Government Executive]
- The guy who made the drone that killed Soleimani says murder drones are tools of diplomacy. [Adam H. Johnson Twitter]
- The Trump administration has begun sending asylum-seekers to Guatemala regardless of their country of origin. [Buzzfeed]
- The IRS simply cannot afford to audit rich people but they can scrape together the change it takes to audit you and me. [ProPublica]