Every Cat in America Will Soon Demand Her Own Catio
LatestNews of this latest feline luxury comes via the Dodo. Recently, the Oregonian stopped by for a visit with Portland’s Anya Stites, who has rigged a truly glorious screen porch-style indoor-outdoor getaway for her rescue cats:
There are sunbathing perches, cushioned seats to take in the scenery and room to stretch out or nap.
What’s more, an enclosed walkway to the house makes it easy to get a toy mouse to chase. But most visitors just stay put in the patio and play with the scratching posts, climbing equipment and occasionally, other cats.
They can get fresh air and chase stray bugs without fear of harassment by neighborhood dogs. It’s pretty much the dream scenario for a cosseted indoor cat. Nor is this just a Portlandia phenomenon. It’s actually quite popular. Jackson Galaxy, cat whisperer, has some guidance for the handy cat-obsessive considering a catio addition to the house, and this rescue site links to D.I.Y. resources and even ready-made catios you can purchase. This is a totally normal and reasonable thing to do! We’re not nuts, we’re just good servants to our feline masters! Your cat wants a catio and by God it is your job to provide one!!!!