Florida School Decides to Stop Giving Kids Mountain Dew Before Tests


An elementary school in Florida has agreed to stop giving Mountain Dew to kids before tests.

Creel Elementary had been giving students about 3 tablespoons of Mountain Dew before they took the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. (Three tablespoons — not exactly downing a four-pack of Red Bull, but still.)

According to FloridaToday.com, the school has been serving the Mountain Dew concoction (along with some trail mix) for about 10 years, after Principal Kathryn Eward read about its benefits in an “educational journal.” Perhaps one written by Guy Fieri. I’m not sure.

Eward said that the soda was part of an overall effort to get kids excited and ready for the FCAT. That includes urging students to get a good night’s sleep, wear comfortable clothes and eat a healthy breakfast.
In addition, students have a lighter homework load during testing and receive special pencils.
“We don’t think we were giving them enough to really get into” negative impacts of sugar highs and lows, Eward said. “We’ve done it for years. The kids look forward to the treats.”

The grandmother of one student found out about the long-running practice and voiced her objections to the school board:

“Once that was brought to our attention, we eliminated that practice,” Brevard Public Schools Spokeswoman Michelle Irwin said. “We’ve advised Creel Elementary to only provide water as a beverage.”
“[Eward] felt that it was a professional practice and implemented it,” Irwin said. “Since then, there’s been new information (about what’s best for students).”

Like don’t jack them up on sugar and caffeine before they have to do something like take a test? Pretty sure information about the possible side effects from giving kids sugar and caffeine was available 10 years ago. 2004 wasn’t exactly 1954. But it’s all good now. Students will now get water served to them instead. Hey, at least it wasn’t Jolt Cola.

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