​Harvard Is Hosting an Anal Sex Workshop


“What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101″ is the real name of a workshop taking place at Harvard University. It’s part of the school’s yearly Sex Week initiative, which is organized by the Sexual Health Education & Advocacy.

Everything Harvard students want to know about anal sex will be covered here. According to College Fix, the “What What in the Butt” description reads:

“They will cover a wide variety of topics, including: anal anatomy and the potential for pleasure for all genders; how to talk about it with a partner; basic preparation and hygiene; lubes, anal toys, and safer sex; anal penetration for beginners, and much more.”

Also featured are workshops on safe sex, virginity and “Fifty Shades of False: Kink, Fantasy, and Fetish.” Sex is a thing that humans do, so this seems like a great resource for students. But some are opposed to the school entertaining it. Harvard sophomore and National Review intern Molly Wharton said, “I do question the amount of time and resources that went into planning and funding these events, some of which are downright vulgar, at a place like Harvard.”

If you can’t learn it at Harvard, though, then where? Yale?

Image via Shutterstock

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