Hey, Let's Watch Some Baby Sloths
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a good sloth video (since October 11th, to be exact), but don’t worry! Doc Davies (what I call myself in the quietest and darkest of times) is here to remedy that by prescribing a recent episode of Vice‘s The Cute Show, in which Lucy Cook, the producer of Animal Planet’s Too Cute! Baby Sloths, gives us a look inside Costa Rica’s Aviarios Del Caribe sloth sanctuary, the world’s only sloth orphanage. The video focuses on the work of Claire Trimer, the baby sloth wrangler (yes, baby sloth wrangler is a job that you can have) responsible for overseeing the health and development of young sloths who have either been abandoned or have lost their mothers.
Aviarios Del Caribe volunteers spend their days giving the baby sloths with baths, taking them for walks and teaching them how to hang. Of course, there’s hard work, too, but let’s assume that hanging out with those piggy-faced smirkers make all the poop-shoveling and pen cleaning entirely worth it.
The Cute Show — Sloths! [Vice]
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