Hillary Attended Donald Trump's Wedding, But, Like, Ironically


During the first GOP debate, which doubled as the first of the Seven Signs of the Apocalypse, Donald Trump bragged about throwing enough money at Hillary Clinton to compel her to forcibly attend his 2005 wedding to third and current wife Melania. Clinton now says that she did go, but like, as a joke. Because she thought it’d be “fun.”

During the debate, Trump bragged, apropos of nothing much, that he’d donated tons of money to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and virtually everybody else (including co-debaters Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, and George Pataki).

“With Hillary Clinton, I said, ‘Be at my wedding,’” Trump said. “And she came to my wedding. You know why? She had no choice because I gave.” (Trump and his daughter Ivanka have given at least $105,000 in combined donations to the Clinton Foundation. Finance records show that Melania Trump also donated $2,000 to Clinton in 2006, a year after the wedding.)

At a press conference in New Hampshire, Clinton claimed that Trump’s donations had nothing to do with her choice to attend his blessed nuptials. From the Hill:

“I didn’t know him that well,” Clinton said during a press conference in New Hampshire.
“I mean, I knew him. I knew him and I happened to be planning to be in Florida and I thought it’d be fun to go to his wedding, because it’s always entertaining,” Clinton said.
“Now that he’s running for president, it’s a little more troubling,” Clinton added.

Politfact says Hillary made it to the ceremony, while Bill didn’t arrive till the reception, which is very on-brand. Rudy Giuliani also showed up, a few months before he began pondering his own run for president.

On the one hand, there is no way that Hillary Clinton’s idea of a good time is or ever has been inhabiting the same air space as Donald Trump. On the other hand, referring to going to anyone’s third wedding as “always entertaining” is respectably close to shade. And she certainly did a good job looking like she was happy to be there:

Clinton’s team has remained consistently on-message here, insisting that yeah, no, she’d definitely have gone to that wedding. No matter what. Wouldn’t miss it.

For fun. Just some good, ironic fun.

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Clinton at the New Hampshire press conference, Monday, August 10, 2015. Photo via AP Images

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