John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Sent Food Trucks to Feed NYC Protesters

CelebritiesDirt Bag

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen did their part to support the protesters who were out demonstrating against the death of Eric Garner, racism and police brutality over the weekend. On Sunday, the celebrity power couple paid for several food trucks to go to Lincoln Square in New York City—where some protesters have been camped for days—and feed the demonstrators for free.

Ordering food for protesters—even if it’s just a pizza—is a really helpful way to become involved in demonstrations at which you can’t physically be present. Kudos to Teigen and John Legend for pitching in in a meaningful way.

[ Raw Story]

In “Huh, Maybe Wilmer Valderrama Is a Good Boyfriend” news,
Demi Lovato says she credits Wilmer with helping her fight her eating disorder over the summer. “I almost went back to rehab for my eating disorder last summer. I was obsessing over food and terrified of it at the same time,” she tells Fitness.Wilmer noticed and called me out on it, which was a relief.”

Lovato also says that she has learned to appreciate her body “for what it is,” adding, “It helps to remind myself how far I’ve come. I recently saw pictures from my first tour, and I spent that whole summer performing in the heat in a red leather jacket because I was ashamed to show my arms. And that was when I was 105 pounds! This tour, I’ve had the confidence to show my arms at every single concert. It may seem like a small thing, but for me, that’s huge.” [ E!]

If human ray of sunshine Demi Lovato left you feeling too happy and warm this morning, here is your depressing, cold antidote: a model is claiming that Cara Delevingne and her magnificent eyebrows were not invited to walk in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show because of a purported weight gain. In protest, I will continue not buying Victoria’s Secret underwear. [ONTD]

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Images via Getty.

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