Khloe Kardashian Is Hosting a Reality Show About 'Revenge Bodies'


“Looking great is always the best revenge,” says Khloe Kardashian in a statement promoting her new reality series, Revenge Body. Revenge bods.

All those headlines about celebrities flaunting a remodeled “revenge body”—typically after a breakup—have materialized in the form of a reality show hosted by Khloe Kardashian. Because she’s experienced this firsthand. “It’s so exciting to be able to mentor these people through their full-body makeovers and I can’t wait to see the incredible results at their final reveals!” she exclaims.

For those who remain fortunately clueless, a “revenge body” is simply a body that’s been sculpted for the sake of revenge—usually to subliminally inform an ex that he/she has lost a good thing. In other words, it’s meaningless.

How it works: a celebrity hits the gym and tells his/her personal trainer: “I want a revenge body.” The trainer says, “OK.” The celebrity proceeds to eat nothing but blueberries in hopes of slimming down for photographs, which will lead to headlines about their great body:

Khloe Kardashian Goes Braless, Flaunts Her ‘Revenge Body’

Blake Shelton Debuts New Revenge Body: Doing Great Since Miranda Lambert Divorce, Searching for New Girlfriend

Katie Holmes Has the “Best Revenge Body of the Year,” According to Fitness Magazine

Kaley Cuoco Rocks Her Revenge Body After Splitting From Ryan Sweeting!

Revenge Body will air six episodes, each highlighting two subjects in need of makeovers. Khloe will coach them in their mission to get revenge and, less important, become healthier for their own good.

Deadline reports:

In each episode, two heartbroken individuals will get the opportunity to recreate themselves with the help of a team of Hollywood’s most elite trainers, stylists and glam squads assembled by Kardashian, resulting in a major transformation.

Google “revenge body” and you’ll find that most of the results even before today’s news are Khloe- and Kourtney-related. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty

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