Lil Nas X Can Do It All

Rapper, shoe designer, and skateboarder? He contains multitudes

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Lil Nas X Can Do It All

It was clear from his first hit that Lil Nas X was just oozing with talent but a recent TikTok he posted, filmed by his pal Tony Hawk, proves that we are only at the tip of the iceberg of Lil Nas X’s capabilities. In the video, which was helping to promote a line of skateboards infused with the blood of Hawk (??), Lil Nas X humbly tells his audience he’s going to do some skateboarding before flying down a massive vert ramp.

The teenagers who won the Olympics are shook!


@Tony Hawk 🩸


If you’re wondering what cosmic forces brought together Lil Nas X and Tony Hawk, the answer is, again, literally blood (???). Not too long ago Nike and the Puritans of the internet were in a tizzy over limited-edition shoes Lil Nas X designed containing a tiny smidgen of his blood along with some other baubles. I guess it reminded people of their demon days. The shoe was recalled and the rapper released a song about the debacle.

When Hawk announced his blood infused skateboards, Lil Nas X was quick to bring forth the counter-argument writing on Twitter, “Now that tony hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are y’all ready to admit y’all were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes,” TMZ reports.

Subsequent tweets from Lil Nas X show that there’s no bad blood (lol, ugh) between the two skateboarders.

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