Make-Up May Just Save Your Life, Or, You Know, Not

According to a new study, women who apply make-up each morning have better balance and had fewer falls than those who did not. The study was, totally unsurprisingly, led by researchers from L’Oreal.

After observing 100 women ages 65 to 85, Dr Patricia Pineau found that the women who wore even a small amount of make-up were more stable on their feet. “They held themselves differently to those who did not wear make-up,” she said. She believes that the act of applying make-up may serve as a stretching exercise, which can help improve coordination, leading to fewer clumsy (and potentially dangerous) falls. This is bad news for all of us who can’t find the time to slap on a full face each morning. On the other hand, the Telegraph points out that there is a dangerous side to cosmetics: a 2006 study found that as many of five percent of drivers have been spotted drinking, reading a map or putting on make-up at the wheel. [Telegraph]

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