Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Wear Hijabs


A new study on Arab-American women in Dearborn, Michigan suggests that women that choose to wear hijabs may have lower levels of vitamin D, which the body produces through exposure to sunlight. Other results?

  • Catholic nuns who wear traditional habits also have lower levels of vitamin D.
  • Traditionally-attired monks have lower levels of vitamin D.
  • African-American women who wear big hats to church have lower levels of vitamin D.
  • Very fair-skinned people that follow their doctor’s advice and avoid direct sunlight to limit their risk of skin cancer (and not just because they are bloggers) have lower levels of vitamin D.
  • Edward Cullen has lower levels of vitamin D.
  • So do people who wear sunscreen!
  • Almost everyone in a cold-weather climate in the middle of winter has lower levels of vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D is available in supplement form in all major drug and grocery stores and many small outlets besides.
  • You should probably be taking a multivitamin anyway because most people work indoors and don’t eat healthy enough.

OH NOES! Hijab Will Make You Sick! [Muslimah Media Watch]

Related: The Claim: Sunscreen Prevents Vitamin D Production [NY Times]

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