Mansplainy GOP Congressman Calls Female CNN Host a 'Beautiful' Liar


During an appearance on CNN’s News Room, Indiana Republican Todd Rokita certainly did his part to remind America that Republicans are the leaders this country needs in a time of cri-ahahahahah sorry I couldn’t finish typing that sentence. Of course Rokita didn’t do anything to make him or his party look good; he acted like a condescending asshole to CNN anchor Carol Costello, at one point telling her, “You’re beautiful, but you need to be honest.” On one hand, unhelpful. But on the other: illuminating.

Rokita spent the entire interview responding to Costello’s tough questions with mild flirtation (“I don’t know if you have children yet, I’m sure you don’t have grandchildren yet, you look much too young, but we’re fighting for them. Carol, do you have any idea how much this law is going to cost?”) followed by borderline incoherent talking points barf. Even though Costello handled herself like a total enviable hardass, the interview is painful to watch.

No wonder the Republican Party, despite all its window dressing rebranding and laughably uncool attempts at “outreach,” continues to struggle with women. If only we weren’t too beautiful and idiotic to get the message.


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