Mark Zuckerberg Wants You To Like His Puppy (And Him, While You're At It)
LatestFor several months Mark Zuckerberg has been trying to convince us he’s not the fast-talking asshole he’s painted as in The Social Network. His latest PR move: Creating a Facebook page for Beast, his ridiculously cute puppy. How did it take the internet mastermind so long to figure out cute pet pictures are the way to our hearts?
The page, which went up yesterday, is owned by Mark Zuckerberg and his long-time girlfriend Priscilla Chan (the one who didn’t make it into the movie). Beast is described as a “public figure” and his biography says, “I am a Puli, which is a type of Hungarian Sheepdog. I was born in Grants Pass, Oregon and now I live in Palo Alto with Mark and Cilla. I am extremely cute.”
In just one day, more than 17,000 people have already “liked” the pup. The site features 17 photos and his wall promises more adorable updates like “Just learned how to climb stairs. I’m such a champion.”
While this is clearly a shameless ploy to win the public’s favor, I’m not one to turn my nose up at cute puppy pictures. Profiles for pets may be taking the social networking thing a bit too far, but since my cat once had more MySpace friends than I did, I really can’t judge
Beast [Facebook]
Earlier: Yes, Tom Has been Photoshopped To Look Like He’s In Garden State