Meet Phil, the Sleazy Dick Pill Shill


Phil, also known as “The Legend,” is the man you wish your man to not be
like. He’s married but all the hot young ladies are still after him, in his
mind. Though he’s married, he spends a lot time at the beach, alone. He runs.
He does yoga. He has a gut. He has a calendar. And he may be the worst ad
mascot since Burger King’s Herb The Nerd.

Phil’s got his “confidence” — the erectile dysfunction
marketing code word for “boner” — back thanks to Dynafil, a new generic Viagra
being sold in South Africa by Pharma Dynamics. Dyna-Phil (I would have
nicknamed him Dynamite Phil) is an anti-mascot, a common advertising strategy.
The problem here is, anti-mascots need to be funny, or at least insane. Phil is
neither. He’s just an unappealing, boring, mild douchebag. What’s the actual
fucking point of him? He makes me yearn for the Men of Cialis.

Phil’s got himself a website that’s purposely been
designed by Saatchi & Saatchi Cape Town to look like the 1990s. There, you
can win a t-shirt with a white stallion and the phrase “Sorry ladies, I’m
already taken” on it. And you can download the aforementioned calendar and a
Phil mask. My guess is none of these items are very popular, that guess being
based on the fact that, even though Phil’s page has been up since last spring,
it only has 119 Facebook likes.

Phil, I believe, is not long for this marketing world.

Four more short videos of Phil in action below.

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