Nanny College Admits Its First Fully-Matriculated Dude Student in 120-Year History
LatestNorland College, the world-famous institution, welcomes only its second male student in its 120-year history — 18-year-old Michael Kenny. Not only will Kenny will be the second male student (Peter Cummins was the first) to ever graduate with a Norland Diploma, he’ll be the first, according to the Telegraph, to complete the school’s education degree course.
Norland is pretty much the Montreal Canadiens of nanny schools — the Victorian college for childcare was founded more than a century ago by Emily Ward, who instituted a distinctive, ROTC-esque uniform so that nannies would be distinguishable in wealthy households from the ranks of other more servile housekeepers. Though Kenny is pretty excited about his coursework (he spent time in Uganda, where his family still lives, tutoring kids; he wants eventually to maybe teach at a prep school and thinks kids are just the cat’s footsie pajamas), he’s had to endure some teasing from friends because people can be narrow-minded and bloodthirsty for a cheap joke.
Kenny’s matriculation into Norland is pretty cool, but what’s really cool is that Norland nannies, thanks to an influx of super-wealthy Russian, Chinese and Middle Eastern immigrants into central London, are pretty much guaranteed steady jobs and good wages fresh out of school. Not to mention the fact that everyone gets to wear a hat with a brass “N” emblazoned on its brim, which is just more proof that every job should come with its own special hat.
Spit spot! The man who would be nanny — with 48 of his female classmates [Telegraph]