Nerds are sexy. It's finally official.


We’ve taken a lot of stick over the years for our gaming obssession, apparently purely because we have tits and a womb. Girls think we’re odd and boys think they can beat us with their joystick tied behind their back.

To which we say, suck it!

“It’s official – women who play video games have sex more often! Gametart, the UK’s largest online games rental company, carried out the survey throughout January to see how the recent influx of the likes of Pink PSPs and DS Lites would affect gamers’ sex lives across the country.
The results were surprising. Of our sample of 200 women, those who played video games on average had sex 4.3 times a week while those who didn’t play games only had sex just 3.2 times a week.”

Hah! Society has finally realized that a girl with a vibrating PS2 console in her hand is sexy!

It’s just a shame our ex-boyfriend didn’t agree.

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