New Online Safety PSA Warns Girls to Not Share Sexy Pics
In this PSA from Children of the Street, a young woman warns other young women to steer clear of sending sexy selfies out into the scary wilds of the Internet. Although it’s undoubtedly true that teens today need a double dose of awareness around the risks involved in sending compromising photos, it’s more true that we live in a culture that blames the girls when the photos inevitable get passed around. “She sent that photo to her boyfriend, she wanted the world to see her tits,” and so on, and so forth.
In the PSA, a young lady systematically makes her way through placards, and it smacks of the YouTube video Amanda Todd posted before she committed suicide. That’s almost undoubtedly on purpose, and it’s definitely uncomfortable.
Do you think PSAs like this are actually helpful? Or do they just place even more blame onto the girls?
[via Adrants]
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