New Toni Morrison Documentary The Pieces I Am Naturally Comes Stocked with Amazing Quotes
EntertainmentMovies“Navigating a white, male world wasn’t threatening. It wasn’t even interesting. I was more interesting than they were, and I wasn’t afraid to show it,” says Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison in the trailer for a new documentary about her life and books, Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am. The bio-doc, which has shown so far at a variety of film festivals (including Sundance) to rave reviews, will be released in theaters June 21.
Among the stellar talking-head quotes from the national treasure that is Morrison in this brief taste of the two-hour doc are: “Texas Bureau of Corrections banned Paradise because it might incite a riot. And I thought, ‘How powerful is that?’” And, “A friend of mine called me up early in the morning and said, ‘Toni, you won the Nobel Prize,’ and I remember holding the phone thinking, ‘She must be drunk.’” Sounds like a fun friend, in any event.
Also featured in the preview are a few instances of Oprah Winfrey raving about Morrison with a bread-ecstatic fervor. The film also features the likes of: Angela Davis, Hilton Als, Fran Lebowitz, Walter Mosley, Sonia Sanchez, and Farah Griffin, some of whom can be spotted rhapsodizing Morrison and her talent in the trailer below.