Nicki Minaj Sues Internet Gossip Nosey Heaux for Calling Her a ‘Cokehead’
"We all know it’s true," Nosey Heaux said in a video posted to her social media. "I’m not saying allegedly on that. Nicki Minaj is a cokehead."
CelebritiesAn apparent war of words between Nicki Minaj and a person who says things on the internet under the name “Nosey Heaux,” appropriately, has escalated into a lawsuit. According to TMZ, Minaj has sued Nosey Heaux (real name: Marley Green) for defamation over comments Green made on social media accusing Minaj of abusing cocaine. The rapper is seeking $75,000 in damages over this video Green posted Monday:
Nicki is, “shoving all this cocaine, shoving in all this cocaine up her nose. Allegedly. Thank you. Allegedly. But we all know it’s true. Fuck-listen, I can’t even say allegedly with that ‘cause I, we all know it’s true. I’m not saying allegedly on that. Nicki Minaj is a cokehead.”
It was apparently a huge mistake for Nosey Heaux to take out the word “allegedly” there, as many of us in the news industry could have warned her.
Green doubled down on the allegation Monday on Twitter:
So not only is she nosey, she’s also misguided. Always say “allegedly!”
TMZ reports that Minaj’s lawsuit refers to Green as a “nobody,” which is also seemingly misguided, as it needlessly downplays Green’s reach and potential harm inflicted. And indeed, the Nosey Heaux Twitter and Instagram have less than 4,000 followers, and the YouTube subscriptions are just over 14,000. Hardly the numbers of a major news outlet.
Marley was apparently aware that a lawsuit was coming. Minaj repeatedly engaged with Green, at one point threatening to sue her, according to a series of videos detailing DMs and comments the superstar (who has over 26 million followers on Twitter, and 200 million followers on Instagram) sent to Green. In a YouTube livestream on Tuesday (which lives on Nosey Heaux’s YouTube page under the title “OK NICKI LET’S GO THROUGH THESE DM’S SIS. #ITSGIVINGCOKE”), Green revealed the purported DM exchange between herself and Minaj:
If you are thinking, “Well that’s weird! Nicki Minaj is way too famous to be going back and forth with someone of Green’s personage,” then you don’t know much about Nicki Minaj, who famously confronted a woman in 2018 for tweeting that she wished to hear more mature content from the rapper. Reportedly in a DM, Minaj told that woman she was “ugly” and said, “Just say u jealous I’m rich, famous intelligent, pretty and go!”
Green also posted about Minaj liking and commenting on many of her Instagram posts, which she considered to be harassment. This, Green said, was in retaliation for Green interviewing Jennifer Hough, who accused Minaj’s husband Kenneth Petty of rape in 1994. Petty pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of attempted rape and served more than four years in prison.
The references Minaj purportedly made to Green “speaking on my son” include Green saying that Minaj’s bloodline is “disgusting” and that Minaj and Petty’s son, “Papa Bear,” who’s almost 2 years old, is “going to be a rapist, too.” Green has also called the baby “cockeyed.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the lawsuit did little to reduce the noise coming from either party. Green tweeted a link to the TMZ item with the caption: “Nicki Minaj lied @TMZ.”
Minaj tweeted as well:
The rapper implied that her litigation was just getting started. That seems plausible. They don’t call her “Mrs. Petty” for nothing.