No Fucking Duh: Lesbians Are Great Parents
LatestA study about lesbian families, Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives, found that the children of lesbian parents are ridiculously well-adjusted brainiacs. Nobody is surprised but I think this is worth forwarding to all our bigoted relatives who are voting for Romney because they’re scared that gay people are going to sneak in their windows in the middle of the night and force marriage onto them. Also, let them know that nobody wants to marry their bigoted asses, anyway. Then, sit back and enjoy many cheerful and relaxed family dinners this holiday season!
The study finds:
The 17-year-olds participating in the longest-running study of lesbian families had high school GPAs in the A- to B+ range, and nearly all planned to attend four-year colleges. These adolescents had strong family bonds, and they were nearly unanimous in describing their mothers as good role models. They also reported having numerous close friends-generally with same-age peers who were predominantly heterosexual. Most of the teens felt comfortable bringing friends home, informing friends about their mothers’ lesbianism and confiding in their mothers.
“We have been following these families for 26 years,” said Principal Investigator Nanette Gartrell, MD, distinguished visiting scholar at the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law. “These kids were planned and their lesbian mothers were very engaged in parenting. At the end of high school, the teens tell us that they have excellent grades, feel connected to their families and friends, and admire their parents. As a psychiatrist, I can say that these are the types of childrearing outcomes that every parent hopes for.”
Well, no fucking duh and can we stop talking about this already? Also, is it too late for some lesbian parents to adopt me? I might be a little older than the average adoptee but I won’t take up much room.
– Laura Beck
Lesbians Make Great Parents, World is Round [Queerty]
Are Lesbians the Best Parents? [MambaGirl]