Ohio Man Honors True Spirit of Zombie Christmas by Refusing to Take Down Zombie Nativity Scene 


Ohio man and possessor of solid priorities Jasen Dixon say he’s facing fines of $500 per day for the enormous zombie nativity scene in his front yard. Dixon was denied a permit for the zombie manger, put it up anyway, and now faces the wrath of local authorities and angry Baptists.

The saga of Dixon’s undead Christmas, which we saw via Raw Story, reportedly began last year. Dixon runs a haunted house called “13 Rooms of Doom” and, per Fox 19, decided to extend his sensibility to a Christmas display. He put up undead Jesus, Mary and Joseph last Christmas, and after drumming up a tiiiiiny amount of controversy, was told by Sycamore Township officials this year that he needed a permit. (The stated reason is that it requires a permit because it takes up “more than 35 percent” of his yard, which, sure.)

Dixon wrote on Facebook that he was fined $500 on Friday after refusing to take the display down, and that he expects further fines from the city’s zoning officials. He also noted that local Baptists have begun flyering outside his home, warning that God “frowns upon this manger scene.”

“If you read the scriptures closely,” the Baptists’ letter to zombie Jesus visitors begins, “the God of the Bible is not only a God of love, but also a God of wrath. God never expresses even the slightest inkling of humor towards demons or, in this case, zombies.”

Surely this situation proves that someone, somewhere has a sense of humor. Dixon also insists he is not an atheist (“We are not Atheist,” reads the Zombie Manger’s Facebook page.)

After briefly conceding that he would take down the display earlier this month, Dixon wrote that he decided to leave it up, sans a big ol’ roof element. He is fundraising to cover his expected future fines; as of Monday morning, he had raised $20.

Contact the author at [email protected].
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Zombie baby Jesus. Screengrab via Fox 19

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