One Out Of Every 15 U.S. Children Is An "Anchor Baby"


Amid current hysteria over immigrant women and the babies they’re “dropping,” it is interesting to know just how many people — and it’s good to remind the ideologues we’re talking about humans here — are affected by the divisive pandering.

A new report by the Pew Hispanic Center analyzes census data and notes the following:

Unauthorized immigrants comprise slightly more than 4% of the adult population of the U.S., but because they are relatively young and have high birthrates, their children make up a much larger share of both the newborn population (8%) and the child population (7% of those younger than age 18) in this country.

How many U.S.-born children are we talking about? Based on numbers from last year, 4 million, as well as 1.1 million foreign-born children of immigrants who lack legal status in this country. Depending on how you look at it, that’s either proof that this is an out-of-control phenomenon that is sapping Real America’s resources, or, you know, the future of America.

Since we keep hearing from conservatives — most recently Bill O’Reilly — that a heterosexual, two-parent household is optimal for raising children — as many of them as possible — perhaps the “family values” crowd should pay attention to this chart:

Or maybe “family values” only goes so far.

Unauthorized Immigrants And Their U.S. Born Children [Pew Hispanic Center]

Earlier: “Baby-Dropping” Immigrant Women Targeted By Republicans

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