Paris Fashion Week, Continued: Designers Brought the Drama!

Would you maybe injure yourself or another if you tried to wear any of these dresses in public? Yes. Are they still fun to look at? Also yes.



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Image: JULIEN DE ROSA / Contributor (Getty Images)

Okay: This. ALL OF THIS. Here is a woman who just ripped off her bra, shoved her head into a bail of hay and grabbed a chunk of it for the road—and doesn’t owe you a reason why. She doesn’t give a fuck if you’re distracted by her black nipple pasties or the horse that may be eating off her head. This woman is hot; this woman is slightly unhinged; this woman has clearly been through some shit and lived to tell about it; this woman is absolutely not to be fucked with. 10/10, no notes, would wear this to work.

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