Like Prince Harry, we’re now going to head to Berlin, to the Ein Herz Fuer Kinder’ charity gala, where people wore some seriously eye-popping fashion…for the children.
Like his brother, Prince Harry wears suits the way the rest of us wear PJs.
Miriam Friedrich looks like Disney birds are about to fly out and pick up her skirts while they all sing together in the forest.
Yasmina Filali‘s like, yeah, here’s my nightgown-like dress. What you going to do about it?
Actress Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen is ready for the door guy at Studio 54. Or, you know, children in need.
Here’s where the dress code gets really confusing.
Estefania Kuester clearly wonders if she wandered into the wrong event. Like, a Burns night haggis-fest.
Let’s be charitable and say, maybe Heike Kloss made this. In which case, well, it’s much better than I could do.
Let’s talk about Esther Seibt‘s whimsical getup. I kind of love it!
[Images via Getty]