Piers Morgan Has Full-On Meltdown Over Accusations of Transphobia
LatestLast night, Piers Morgan had trans activist Janet Mock on his program. It did not go well. And today, when confronted about it by various trans activists and allies, he threw a Twitter temper tantrum for the ages.
Cliff’s notes version of the dramz: Morgan is upset that he’s being accused of transphobia and insists that during the interview, Mock seemed fine with his line of questioning. But today, Morgan would have been better served to step away from the computing machine and prep for a revisit of that discussion tonight rather than engaging like a jackass on Twitter. It’s hard to pick a moment that’s the most over the top and childish, but here are a few good ones.
The time he suggested that she owes him an apology.
Here’s him appealing to his good buddy Jordan Catalano Jared Leto.
And demanding that Women, Action, & the Media “pipe down.”
And when he started really grasping at straws with the cut-from-a-Bond-villian soliloquy snappy comebacks:
We’ll have something more in-depth about just why it was fucked up that Piers kept referring to Mock as someone who was “born a boy” and creepily focusing on her genitalia during her interview on the show soon, but for now, enjoy the Twit fit.
Can’t wait to see what happens on his show tonight. My guess? Not the apology Morgan demanded from Janet Mock.