Post Party Clean Up Service Is One of Best Ideas Ever
LatestA pair of University of Colorado graduates have started marketing themselves as the “Hangover Helpers.” For a fee, the duo will report to your house after a party and clean up, bringing with them breakfast burritos and Gatorade. Fuck. Yes.
As someone who hosted some pretty apocalyptically messy parties in college, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this.
The Hangover Helpers work in Boulder, home of their alma mater, and will charge $15 per roommate for their services, which is so cheap that it makes me want to cry joyful tears of vodka. I’d pay $15 for someone to bring me a breakfast burrito and Gatorade on a normal day; they wouldn’t even have to clean up my house if they didn’t want to. Just hand over the food, fellas.
The HH expect an imminent uptick in business, as spring is prime party season at the University of Colorado.
“Who Ya Gonna Call After Party? Hangover Helpers” [CBS]
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