Public Breastfeeding Is Awesome, Says Luvs
This new commercial from Luvs aims to normalize the very normal act of breastfeeding and also, sell you some Luvs. Showing a woman who is initially shy about whipping ’em out in public becoming more comfortable with whipping ’em out in public/providing life-sustaining nutrition. Pretty cool, Luvs, way to make breastfeeding look like a totally okay and maybe even important thing to do. Since I’m so happy with what you did on the breastfeeding front, I’m not gonna question your questionable statistics about more moms choosing Luvs with their second children — fuck it, I’m gonna give it to you. Luvs 4 babies in 2012!
That said, I want this kid as my future son/husband/I’LL FIGHT YOU FOR HIM:
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