Reader Roundup


When it’s good, it’s good. When it’s bad…

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Plastic Surgery Exposé Reveals Doctors’ Instincts Aren’t Always Pretty: “I don’t mind my banana rolls. They’re where I keep all my extra potassium. And sundaes.” We say: Ours are chocolate rolls, but no less delicious. • Worst Comment Of The Day, in response to Ditto Or Deyn?: “Beth Ditto is going to die of a heart attack at 40. What a waste of talent.” We say: Do you blurt out rude and uninformed things at parties? Why do you feel free to behave like that here? • The Other Worst Comment Of The Day, in response to Why Do Women Marry Their Dads?: “This is news? Hasn’t this been going on since the dawn of time? Is it a slow news day?” We say: Well yes, it is “news”, as evidenced by the link to the CNN article at the end of the post. A tip: if you’re so vexed by a subject, perhaps it would be best not to click on it, and to refrain from commenting.

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