Reader Roundup
LatestFriends, please take a moment to offer a hearty congrats and a standing ovation for Tuesday’s oh-so-excellent best comments!
Best Comment Of The Day, in response to The Dirty Yearbook: A High-School Rite Of Passage: “We had a bowling team at my HS and on team picture day, the coach said something like ‘make sure they can see your balls!’ This one kid definitely made sure.” And! “Oh God. In my yearbook I promised my undying love to my then boyfriend. I’m a lesbian.” And! “If we’re going to eliminate offensive things from yearbooks then some 60% of haircuts will have to go.” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Thin People Shop At Whole Foods: The Age Of Weight Segregation:
We need to have a bingo card for articles like this. Squares would include:
– Dried beans fix everything
– You guys this one time I was so poor! (extra points for “in grad school”)
– Someone should edumacate these poor people about how to eat food!
– But there’s a farmer’s market ten miles from there from 7:30 to 1 on Tuesdays! Why don’t they just go there?
– Whole Foods takes food stamps
– I don’t care how many hours you work, you should always cook at home (extra points for listing what commenter cooks at home; extra extra points if it involves beans)
– If you really want to exercise, you will, no matter what neighborhood you live in
– Food, Inc.
– High fructose corn syrup
Now I have nothing against delicious, nutritious beans… but living in San Francisco, I am subjected to privileged food snobbery all the livelong day. There is constant fat-shaming. A co-worker got made fun of for days for bringing a Hot Pocket for lunch. So this is an issue that’s close to my heart. Some people have the money, time and energy to think hard about what they eat and where it comes from; some don’t. It’s not an indicator of your morality.
• Best Comment Of The Day, in response to American Apparel Is Not Interested In Your Plus-Size Dollars:
Numerous comments have been made, and as a fashion loving fat woman, I have a few things to say.
1. “But there are plus size stores!” Yes there are, and for the most part, they suck. If you want anything resembling a personal style, don’t want floral prints or tie-dye and are shorter than 6 feet tall, and don’t have a fortune to spend; you’re going to have trouble finding clothes.
2. “Boycott with your dollar!” Yeah, that’s working. They don’t sell clothes in our size, do you think we all have closets full of too small clothes from companies that don’t carry our size?
3. Thin people, I want you to pretend you wear a size 20 for a little bit. Go online shopping for clothes in whatever your personal style is. With the single rule that it must be available in a size 20.
Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].
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