Reporter Uses Boston to Make a Poorly-Timed Point About Abortion
LatestThat’s what New York Magazine‘s Dan Amira suggested earlier today when he shared the following tweet Rubin sent a little more than an hour after news of the Boston Marathon explosions started making the social media rounds:
Amira points out that Rubin appears to be making a very “subtle” allusion to a statement made by one of her colleagues at the Washington Post, Sarah Kliff, who said that she didn’t write about the Kermit Gosnell story because she covers policy, “not local crime.” In a later tweet, Rubin clarified that she was “not writing until we know extent and responsibility in contrast to NY Post,” which may very well have gotten waaaaay out ahead of everyone else’s coverage.
The suggestiveness of Rubin’s tweet may be pure coincidence, and, at any rate, it’s not nearly as egregious as the New York Times‘ Nicholas Kristof tweeting, “Explosion is a remind that ATF needs a director. Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking that appointment” (Kristof was quick to apologize).
[NY Mag]
Image via AP/The Daily Free Press, Kenshin Okubo